Thursday, April 24, 2014

Six-Word Challenge

Based on Ernest Hemingway's six-word story (For sale: baby shoes, never worn), I am challenging my senior college and highschool friends to create a six-word story about their four years in college or highschool. These words can capture something you learned, something you became or something funny. For examples, see mine below. If you speak are bilingual, you can post in Spanish and in English (you don't have to translate your comment... I know the translation isn't always exact). If you are not a highschool or college senior (but you remember your highschool/college years and you would like to comment), please add your voice. too. Please post in the comments of my blog.

Examples: I learned I'd never know everything.
                  Looking back, I see I've changed.
                  Ahora estoy lista, emocionada y cansada.

1 comment:

  1. There's still so much to learn.
    Caffeine can never replace good sleep.
